What do you get when you buy a couple of table cloths from Marshall's and combine them with these items?
I was in search of curtains for my home office make over. Yes, I know, I am over due on that big reveal but bear with me; I'm getting there.
Anyway, I was browsing the table linens aisle at Marshall's and came across this rectangular table cloth in a great print that I knew would go perfectly with my newly painted office.
So I trashed searched the entire aisle looking for three more but as luck would have it, the most I found was two. No worries though, each table cloth was wide enough to cut in half and complete with a finished edge; so I was able to get four panels from two table cloths.
First, I washed the table cloths, ironed them, folded them in half lengthwise, pinned the edges together and ironed again. No, the table cloths were not perfect rectangles but they were close enough. I cut them in half, lengthwise, along the fold.
I then finished the cut edges with a hemmed seam. I clipped the clip rings about 3" from the top, gathering/puckering the material as I put the clip on. I hung them on the rod and there were my new curtains.
Whoever thought of those clip rings is brilliant, let me tell you. I was not interested in sewing a sleeve for the curtain rod to go through. These rings did the trick.
So the next time you're shopping; take a trip down the table linen aisle. I'm sure you'll find some material that you will fall in love with.
What have you created with table linens? I'd love to see.